Esteban Alcala
Chief Justice on the Judicial Board of Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He has been with the organization for 4 years, and is a member of Nu Chapter (UCSD), specifically, Lambda Class, Numero Diez. As an undergraduate, Brother Alcala held several positions within his chapter, such as Secretary, Community Service Chair, Academic Chair, and Assistant Dean. He is currently a Program Assistant at University of California, at San Diego where he primarily assists the Director of Student Success Programs. He has spent most of his career working with incoming college students to increase retention and promote access. Brother Alcala will be applying soon to graduate school to further develop his skills in Higher Education Leadership and Student Affairs. He wants to be an agent of change in higher education, promote access, retention, inclusiveness, and diversity. Brother Alcala currently resides in San Diego, CA.

Alex Mendoza Patterson
Is an Associate Justice on the Judicial Board of Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He has been a brother of the organization for 9 years and is a member of the Eta Chapter (UCLA), specifically, Kappa Class, Numero Cinco. Brother Patterson is an Assistant Public Defender for the Sacramento County Public Defender’s Office. He is tasked with defending the rights of the criminally accused. Brother Patterson has been a licensed attorney since December 2015. He received his J.D. from the University of California, at Irvine, and a B.S. in History from University of California, at Los Angeles. Brother Patterson currently resides in Sacramento, CA.

Arturo Nevarez Jr.
Is an Associate Justice on the Judicial Board of Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and has also served on the Alumni Board for his chapter. Brother Nevarez has been with the organization for over 20 years, and is a founding father of the Epsilon Chapter (Fresno State University). Brother Nevarez has over 17 years of experience as a correctional officer. He is currently a vacation relief officer relieving officers in a variety of positions. He previously served as a counselor for a year, but decided to remain a correctional officer. Brother Nevarez is currently a member of the Knights of Columbus (KoC), a catholic organization, on its counsel 4931 in Selma, CA. He has held many positions with in the KoC, including Grand Knight (i.e. President) for 2 years. Currently, Brother Nevarez serves on the Board of Directors for KoC. Arturo is resides in Selma, CA.

Diego Garcia
Is an Associate Justice on the Judicial Board of Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He has been with the organization for 3 years and is a member of the Gamma Chapter (Cal), Psi Class, Numero Tres. He recently graduated from UC Berkeley as a double major in Sociology and American Studies as well as a minor in Conservation and Resource Studies. In his short time with the organization, Brother Garcia has taken on multiple roles leading his chapter and other organizations. He was part of the UC Berkeley debate team and has been a volunteer at the Bay Area Urban Debate League for over 4 years. He plans to pursue his J.D. in order to defend immigrants and protect civil rights. Brother Garcia currently resides in Berkeley, CA.

Jorge Gonzalez
Is an Associate Justice on the Judicial Board of Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He has been with the organization for 3 years and is a member of the Omicron Chapter (Cal Poly), Mu Class, Numero Cinco. He’s studying Political Science at Cal Poly SLO with a minor in Ethnic Studies and will graduate December 2019. During his time with the organization, Brother Gonzalez has taken on multiple roles in the leadership of his chapter and other campus organizations. He is part of the alumni association for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) and is also a member and Co-founder of the Advancement of Undocumented Students club on campu. Brother Gonzalez is a DACA and is committed in pursuing a career in public in which he hopes to provide a voice, as well as representation for marginalized and disenfranchised communities, specifically those from low-income, immigrant communities. Brother Gonzalez currently resides in Santa Maria, CA.

Marco Castaño
Señor Castaño is an associate justice on the Judicial Board of Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He has been with the organization for seven years and is a member of the Iota Chapter’s Iota Class. He has roughly nine years of experience in organizing and legal services. Recently, he completed his Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.) at Harvard Law School where he continued organizing with students and workers while managing a caseload of over a dozen clients. Currently, Señor Castaño volunteers with several Central Coast legal non-profits, representing indigent clients and low wage workers in housing, employment, and education proceedings. Señor Castaño lives near Santa Barbara, CA.